
Version 0.8.0-next


  • RadioGroups have a segmented style
  • Dark mode

Version 0.7.9


  • SubmitForm util function
  • TableCells can set their own width
  • Added a hide function for inputs in a form
  • Added a tooltip option for tags
  • Gradient backgrounds for overlays
  • fetchData docs


  • Loading utils will check for ID
  • Sidebar will no longer show undefined if there is no group
  • Text in TableCell can now be aligned left
  • Sidebar subtitle indenting when no back button is present
  • Make sure text is left aligned on select
  • Mobile options for tables
  • Better gradients on overlays

Version 0.7.9


  • Nested Sidebar line was appearing on non-nested sidebars
  • fixed alignment on non-compact style sidebars

Version 0.7.6


  • Add delay to sidebar navigation

Version 0.7.6


  • Sidebar and Header reactivity

Version 0.7.1


  • onselect method for a Select element

Version 0.7.0


  • Ability to reverse column order on mobile
  • FileForm component
  • ImageForm can accept extensions
  • Input components have a disabled state now
  • Tag before color is changed from primary to primary-light
  • Checkbox, Switch, and Radio components have a background property to make them look in line with other form elements.
  • Roomy and compact styles for Tables.
  • Added options to include checkboxes on table rows and utility functions to manipulate them.
  • Add callback option to FileForm
  • FileForm input will clear value after promise completes
  • The dropdown component can now be hidden with the hidden property
  • The dropdown component line breaks are now set as a boolean
  • Ability to hide a sidebar section with the hidden property - perhaps for role based account access
  • Added search functionality to the IconButton component
  • SegmentedController supports href
  • New sort function and sort functionality for TableHeaders


  • IconButton shows active state screen
  • Header text is now smaller on mobile devices
  • Header has a search property with a default of false
  • ListItem and ListItemTimeline support wrapping long elements
  • Error component back button was not doing anything
  • CardHeader styles for fixed to fix positions of buttons with a long caption.
  • Support for error message on FileForm
  • The svelte goto function no longer needs to be passed in via the configStore
  • Focus states for non-text inputs
  • Buttons now become disabled when they are loading

Version 0.6.1


  • Removed obnoxious scroll bars on windows

Version 0.6.1


  • validateInputs will no longer fail validation for empty inputs without the required property

Version 0.6.0


  • SegmentedController now has a more compact line style


  • Header element showing Sidebar toggle on mobile when component was not mounted
  • Header subtitle was always indented
  • Sidebar can now set an href and onclick property

Version 0.5.8


  • multiple_by prop Added for number inputs

Version 0.5.7


  • SegmentedController export

Version 0.5.6


  • Removed Node 14 requirement

Version 0.5.5


  • When a TableRow component has an href and also includes an IconButton component, the loading state will show on the icon. Otherwise it will default inline with the text.


  • Radio and Checkbox components had minor css fixes for alignment
  • Switch component does not have a random margin on the bottom
  • Custom TableRow components that use a slot can still use the align property

Version 0.5.4


  • Header burger button now displays on mobile
  • Sidebar will stay open and show loading state until navigation ends

Version 0.5.1


  • Header can now slot through dynamic content for the subtitle / breadcrumb area

Version 0.5.0


  • Support for IconButton to have colors
  • Support for IconButton to remove shadows on mobile screens


  • Back button will show in Header subtitle is used on a nested route
  • Add caption as an alias to subtitle of the Header element
  • Fixed Toast width on mobile screens
  • Fixed Header alignment on mobile
  • Fixed screen thrashing from using dropdown components

Version 0.4.6


  • Modal height expressed in vh instead of rem

Version 0.4.5


  • Removed dev logs from Header
  • IconButton dropdown does not open an empty list with a href
  • IconButton dropdown closes when clicking on the button again
  • Modal height and width is now set by the user
  • Modal does not show error states when being closed
  • ListItem slots now have their width at 100%

Version 0.4.4


  • [Hotfix] ImageForm export

Version 0.4.3


  • ImageForm component was added


  • Breadcrumbs can now we overwritten
  • PageWrapper is is now fixed for mobile styles
  • Typeahead can be escapes with the esc key

Version 0.4.2


  • Dropdown is now it’s own component used by Select, typeahead, and IconButton
  • Dropdown has the option to customize an img at the start and an icon at the end


  • This also fixed issues with the typeahead not working with mouse clicks
  • Error component not navigating correctly

Version 0.4.1


  • Time inputs


  • JSDoc comments on url utils
  • Removed console logs from examples
  • arrowRight will now show hover state when table has an href or onclick function
  • Fixed loading indicators on Sidebar and IconButton as result of Svelte kit naming updates
  • Sidebar will now show the active indicator on the highest matched path.

Version 0.4.0


  • Update uses of svelte kit page into url and params to make is compatible with latest ## Version

Version 0.3.3


  • Removed logging stripe token when token is created successfully using the getFormData utility function

Version 0.3.2


  • Form element now have an option for hidden input types
  • Table mobile style options


  • Sidebar components will automatically highlight the active section when page is refreshed
  • TableRow will how the pointer cursor if there is an onclick function attached to it
  • Tag with the small property have had their margins adjusted
  • Mobile padding for Cards

Version 0.3.1


  • Form now only play locally
  • Removed debugging logs

Version 0.3.0


  • Form transitions were turned down because they were jarring
  • Select now lets you select null or "" as an option


  • FormGroup was built. Instead of a second component, you can just pass in the width you want for your input and the kit will handle everything for you.

Version 0.2.2


  • Textarea margins
  • ListItem and ListItemTimeline padding


  • Divider component finally exported

Version 0.2.1


Fixed stripe dependency issue

Version 0.2.0


  • getFormData and validateInputs are now promises.


  • Form now supports conditional inputs using the hidden_if and hidden_unless properties Stripe Elements is now built it. You pass in your own pubic key to the input, and it will collect the credit card information for you and create a stripe card token after calling getFormData

Version 0.1.9


  • IconButton element now currently dispatched the id to the click event. You can use to get the ID to show and hide the loading states
  • IconButton that has dropdown options will hide the list once one of the options is selected

Version 0.1.8


  • ListItemTimeline can now have the active icon changed by providing the name of a color variable

Version 0.1.7


  • ListItems now support the option to include a Tag by passing a tag property with the details about your Tag. Tags can be used without a label unlike text, because they are often more descriptive in their meaning.

Version 0.1.6


  • TableCell nested tags are now aligned in line.
  • TableCell nested tags now hijack the align property. Align right or end will move the tag to the right of any text that was Added.
  • TableCell nested tags now have a margin between text depending on what side they are on.

Version 0.1.5


  • TableCell nested tags are now properly supported. Nested table cells are currently experimental and not included in the docs. It allows to make complex table cells with many lines and adding small tags before and/or after the text on each line.

Version 0.1.4


  • Switch, Radio, and Checkbox now support not indented styles.

Version 0.1.3


  • Modal message will now render inline html characters.

Version 0.1.2


  • IconButton now displays a custom button is an svg is passed to it

Version 0.1.12


  • tel and phone inputs are not working with Form components

Version 0.1.11


  • tel or phone inputs are working.

Version 0.1.10


  • ListItem and ListItemTimeline has their bottom margins fixed the the next is now nicely centered

Version 0.1.1


  • Export the merge function that is used for getFormData


  • Button styling when showing loading state

Version 0.1.0


  • Modals now support an image
  • CardHeader will no longer default to having a border
  • Buttons will now default to being wide
  • The svelte kit goto function is now Added into the configStore and used throughout the app
  • Grid and GridItem components are now available

Version 0.0.9


  • Overlay component which is being used inside Error lets you add an overlay over the whole screen
  • Error component was added that can be imported into __error.svelte and will take care of the whole page
  • added an example for a Table on a separate page to show nested routes.
  • IconButton has a new_page option open an href in a new page
  • IconButton dropdown options new have a new_page property to open the href in a new page.
  • Spinner component
  • ability to overwrite automated Breadcrumbs and add your own.


  • When using getFormData, nested keys in the data would get overwritten. This has been fixed. Row layout now supports a style tag
  • fixed a bug where pagination would continue to persist if a filter was applied
  • fixed a bug where pagination would not reset to the first page after a filter was applies
  • fixed a bug where pagination would persist when there was only one page of content
  • fixed a bug where keyboard navigation on a select dropdown would tab onto a line break
  • fixed a bug where loading indicators would not show on the Sidebar if no icon was present
  • fixed a bug where the showing the loading icon on a ListItem was not possible because the event was dispatching the wrong id
  • fixed a bug where loading states on sidebar would persist on pagination and vise versa
  • fixed a bug where a loading indicator would display on the sidebar when clicking on the back button.
  • When clicking on an href inside of a TableCell, a loading indicator will now be displayed.

Version 0.0.8

  • showToast function was not actually exported in the main bubbles-ui package.

Version 0.0.7

  • More Header styling updates

Version 0.0.6


  • the Header breadcrumbs layout

Version 0.0.5

Fixed the package export to npm

Version 0.0.4


  • a bug with IconButton where transparent=false prop would not work when the button had an href property

Version 0.0.3


Pagination component SegmentedController documentation


  • Updated components to share similar styles and properties. This may still have to change as some props don’t follow the same convention
  • Updated IconButton default icons padding on Checkbox, Switch, and Radio when not in a Form element
  • Updated colors options for Button, Tag, Toast components
  • Lots of little bug fixes

Version 0.0.25


  • Bumped svelte to ## Version 3.44.2 and kit to ## Version 1.0.0-next.201

Version 0.0.25


addQueryParam no longer breaks when options are not passed to it

Version 0.0.24


addQueryParam no longer breaks when options are not passed to it

Version 0.0.23


getQueryParam uses the page store from the load function to work with server size requests

Version 0.0.22


getQueryParam will get all of the query params on the client.

Version 0.0.21


setQueryParam will remove the key from the url if passed "" null or undefined


Pagination arrows would disappear on the last page Show the current page on pagination Pagination would stay on page 1 if query param was not in the url Removed default images from Error because they are not included in the build anyway

Version 0.0.20


Header component will now set the page title for you so you don’t have to add it on each page


addQueryParam export

Version 0.0.2

Bug Fixes

Version 0.0.15

Fixed Breadcrumbs from ignoring the labels that were passed in

Version 0.0.15


Breadcrumbs would report undefined

Version 0.0.14


Component exports

Version 0.0.13


Component exports

Version 0.0.12


Component exports

Version 0.0.11


Sidebar loading icons and spacing

Version 0.0.10


Examples for Settings and Auth Spinner now takes in a style prop


Sidebar loading indicators would not show if the url was included in the href_aliases array instead of href Sidebar loading spinners were not displaying correctly Sidebar icon and labels had wrong spacing on their margins IconButton was not correctly processing the $navigating svelte store property Show loading animation when navigating with Breadcrumbs Update how active sidebars are calculated

Version 0.0.1

Init commit. There are lots of bugs but it’s usable enough for a quick project