Page Column

Basic Structure

After you have selected the type of Row that you want to include, you need to select the column that you want to include. There are a few options that Bubbles includes by default.

All of the column types will respond to mobile sizes.


This column will be dynamic. The first column will be 66% of the width, with the second column being 33%. You should not use this for more than two columns.

This column will take up 100% of the Row

This column will take up 50% of the Row

// Inside of your page file.

// Import the rows
import { Row, RowBorder } from "bubbles-ui";

// Import Columns
import { Column100, Column50, Column } from "bubbles-ui";

        Full width content here

        First half width column
        Second half width column

        This column will be 66% width
         This column will be 33% width

Column 100

Column 66

Column 33

Column 50

Column 50