
Customize Colors

The global stylesheet that you imported from bubbles-ui/css/app.css added all of the supported colors as variables. You're able to add a stylesheet after the Bubbles stylesheet to override those styles and add your own.

With the exception of black and white, every color has a base color, three lighter variations, and three darker variations. Below is an example for primary, which you should use in your css as a color variable: color: var(--primary) or background: var(--primary-dark).

Name Hex
primary-lightest #DAD6F4
primary-lighter #B5AEE9
primary-light #9186DE
primary #6C5DD3
primary-dark #50459E
primary-darker #352E69
primary-darkest #1B1734

Color Options

Like most kits, Bubbles uses descriptive words for colors that describe the action to which that color will apply. For example the default red color is called error. Below is a list of all of the color variables included with Bubbles.

Variable Description Default
primary The main color for buttons, hovers, sidebar #DAD6F4
secondary Secondary buttons and colors #FF98E5
error Error states on inputs and toasts #FF6628
warning Useful to caution a user about something #FF9F38
success Used by default for success toasts #4FBF67
info Useful for letting users know what is clickable #355DFF
gray Shades of gray are used everywhere for borders and outlines #808191
dark If you want a dark color that isn't black, use dark. #1B1D21